Dear students,
to get the best out of our International Entrepreneurial Seminar, and to start with all of you on the same level, it is necessary for you to prepare for the seminar. Please take some time to go through the following steps:
Online Registration
To generate the necessary seminar materials like nametags, seminar booklet, etc. we need your correct personal data. Therefore we would like you to sign on here.
Pecha Kucha
At the beginning of the seminar we want to present all of us just to get to know us better. Therefore we would use the method of Pecha Kucha. For more information about Pecha Kucha please click here.
Business Model Canvas
The aim of our seminar will be to create an innovative business idea (one per team) and to describe this as a business model. We do not want you to work out a full business plan. You should not generate piles of paper. Therefore we want to apply the Business Model Canvas as the basis of your final presentation. So please become familiar with this Business Model Canvas. For more information please click here.
Theme of the Seminar
Our experiences in the past seminars have shown that it is a good idea to somehow focus on an actual scope as basis for your business ideas. Please find more information about that here.
Watching Dragon's Den
The aim of our seminar is to present an innovative business idea and a corresponding business model. Your team will end up presenting and defending them by a final presentation plus discussion. We want to make it as realistic as possible by celebrating a "general meeting" in which you will defend your idea. To better understand how to defend a business idea and a business model, you should watch Dragon's Den. For more information please click here.
Preparing Fika
In our IntEntSem 2014 our Swedish friends came up with an excellent idea. It is a good tradition in Sweden to prepare re-creating interruptions between the different seminar sessions in form of a Fika. In our IntEntSem we would like to ask every country team to care for one Fika, so there will be a Belgian Fika, on other days we will enjoy a Spanish Fika, a German Fika, and so on. More information about Fika you can find here.
Seminar Location and Environment
We all have the chance to visit the country that is hosting our IntEntSem. We would like you to become familiar with this location and its environment already in advance. This is also necessary for conducting a "Trend Watching" in the environment of our seminar. For more information please click here.