International Entrepreneurial Seminar
IntEntSem 2017 (Germany)
IntEntSem 2016 Ghent (Belgium)
Coaching team
Theme of the Seminar
Seminar Location and Environment
IntEntSem 2015 Dunkerque (France)
History of Seminars
Data Protection
Davy Vercruysse - Ghent University
Prof. Dr. Stephanie Birkner - University of Oldenburg
Dr.-Ing. Horst Kiel - Jade University
Dr. Wim van Vuuren - Canterbury Christ Church University
Dr. Ester Bernadó Mansilla - Technocampus Mataró
Katrin Rössler M.A. - Jade University
Steve Stevens - Ghent University
2011 Knokke, BELGIUM
2012 Wilhelmshaven, GERMANY
2013 Mataró, SPAIN